Why is my server slow / how do I run a ping and tracert test? Print

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A number of factors contribute to how fast your connection to our servers is, including:

  • Your computer health
  • The connection you have to your ISP (internet service provider)
  • The number of network hops between your ISP and our servers
  • The amount of traffic our servers are currently having

Running a ping test can help you determine if your website is slow because of a connection issue. If it is, then running a traceroute test can help you to determine where in the connection there is a slow down.

How to Run a Ping / Traceroute Test

In the examples below, you will be asked to ping and traceroute example.com. Please replace example.com with your actual domain name.


If you are on a Windows computer:

  1. Click your start menu and choose run
  2. Type cmd and click OK
  3. Type: ping example.com and hit enter
  4. When it is done, type tracert example.com and hit enter.

When both tests are complete, you will want to copy and paste the results in an email and send them to support@inyerface.com for further review.. To copy the results, right click in the command prompt and choose Select all. When everything is highlighted, hit Enter to copy the results to the clipboard so that you can paste them into an email message. Be sure to include your current IP address. If you are unsure of your current IP address please visit the link below to obtain it:
What is my current IP Address?


If you are on a Mac:

  1. Open Applications and then open Utilities.
  2. Open Terminal.
  3. Type: ping example.com and hit enter. Stop the ping after 4 or 5 results by holding down CTRL-C.
  4. When that is done, type: traceroute example.com and then hit enter.


If you're using an iPad, it doesn't appear that iPads have ping / traceroute functionality. There are apps that can help, such as this one.


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